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We want to ensure a permanent location, to both continue and expand, the services provided to the community! 

About Us! 

Lone Peak Veterinary Hospital is a small animal clinic that started 6 years ago. We pride ourselves on supplying high quality medicine to meet the needs of our furry friends in the community. We have grown to start a nonprofit assistance fund to help animals in need. We want to continue our current services and grow.

Get Involved - Donate

Help us make our dreams come true! 

It can be as simple as spreading the word, donating or informing us of other potential resources. Please don't hesitate to contact us with ideas. We are so excited to work to make this happen in any way possible. 

See More on the ways you can donate!

Why this Project?

To ensure the long term presence of Veterinary Medicine to the community, we need housing, an additional doctor, expanded hours to include urgent care and a property we can call our own instead of leasing. 

See more about the challenges veterinarians are facing and why we want to meet this situation head on. 

Expand RUFF 

Dr. Desmarais started Riley's Urgent Fund for Friends to help animals in need. This building would allow us to potentially expand services in hopes to provide more resources that local shelters impart. These are resources such as pets for adoption and training. 

Donate here 

Big Sky and its community is known for philanthropy to make this a wondrous place to live - please consider supporting making this resource permanent for years to come! It would mean the world to us and we can't do it alone

This IS a 501c3 donation. 


Thank you for your help!!!!


Living and working in Big Sky is a dream come true. This is a beautiful place, and not a minute should be taken for granted. I feel incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to work with animals and their families. 

The reality is this wonderful place is it also a hard place, to find a home to reside in, to handle the economic challenges of a resort town, and to stay fully staffed and open full time, year round. Our goal is to find a path to continue to achieve this. 

What is very exciting is I purchased a piece of property to help the clinic have a true, permanent home. The goal is to upgrade our facilities to provide the best care we can in Big Sky. 

Moving forward, I am hoping to continue to meet these challenges with your help, to continue to educate the community by having high school students intern in the summers, vet for a day to inspire kids and helping technicians go to vet school. We are striving to increase services offered, grow the nonprofit and provide additional workforce housing. 

It can be hard to ask for help, but I can't do it alone and your support is integral to achieving our goals. Any assistance, no matter what kind, you can offer, fills my heart with joy and I could not be more grateful. 

Thank you, so much! 

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